Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 54 - July 27, 2013 - Pueblo, CO to Florence, CO

Miles - 26 by bike, 14 by car
Total mileage - 1,559

Par for the course - we got a later start than we wanted to from Pueblo this morning.  After a breakfast of cold pizza leftover from last night, we took off sometime after 9, and discovered that Pueblo isn't as flat as the rest of Eastern Colorado!  The route took us through the burbs, and the city park and zoo, which was nice.

A mile or two out of town though, we were tossed right back into the desert.  And into the biggest climb we had seen in weeks.  It was quickly apparent that we had not acclimated to the altitude, and we had to take several breaks to power up that thing.  But...we were rewarded with a beautiful view of the Rockies when we got to the summit.

It was getting hot pretty darn fast, and we were going through water like champs - another side effect of the high altitude, in addition to it being harder to breathe (especially for Mel with asthma), getting tired more quickly, and occasionally feeling a little lightheaded.  Luckily we had some extra Gatorade and a bottle of water, but it was all hot, and drinking hot liquid when you are already overheated is pretty nasty!

We had planned for my (Erica's) mom to come up from Southern California to meet us today earlier in the week, so we knew she wasn't far from Pueblo now.  She is going to act as our chase car in the Rockies, and entertain us for an indefinite period of time (until my dad gets too jealous of all the fun we are having, or she gets sick of us!).

After struggling uphill against a 10-15 mile headwind for hours, while only making it 26 miles, and after making a turn only to be faced with another climb up something called "Hardscrabble Pass", we decided to call it quits on a gravel side road.  We waited for my mom to arrive with a bike rack, loaded up all of our crap, and cranked up the air conditioning as we drove the remaining 14 miles or so to Florence, CO.  Oh, and just our luck, another storm was rolling in!

We had a quick dinner in a cafe in Florence called 2 Sisters, then I emailed Charlette - she and I had been in contact for a few months about her organizing a fundraiser for the Looking Out Foundation through Looking Out Across America, and we were going to meet up with her to hang out and get to know Florence a bit.

Turns out Charlette had gotten worried about us when the storm rolled in, and was driving up and down highway 50 to find us and rescue us from the rain - how sweet!  We met her over at the brand new bar she manages - Creative's Cork - and had a few beers and met some of the awesome people that Charlette knows before she showed us to the bed and breakfast she had lined up for us to stay in - seriously, we are not used to being spoiled like this!

We cleaned up at the B&B, then headed back down to the bar - Charlette had also lined up live music for the evening to keep the fundraising going, and entertain us and many of the locals - the place was pretty busy that night!  We enjoyed second dinner and some drinks at Creative's Cork while being entertained by the musical stylings of Chauncey Crandall.  We were taken over to another new bar in town, The Hamlet, who had also been raising money for LOAA!  We met some great people there too.  We actually ended our night there with a lot of the Creative's Cork crew, since they close earlier than The Hamlet.  Chauncey entertained us with some karaoke music, and many laughs were had by all!

We had decided by this time that we were having so much fun with this crew that we needed another day to enjoy this place and these people, so we made some rough plans to go zip lining near the Royal Gorge the next day, and would figure out the specifics in the morning.  The Creative's Cork crew graciously decided to just close the bar the next day to hang out with us!  We were exhausted - this was later than we had been up in weeks, so we passed out soon after getting back to the B&B.  

We had so much fun in Florence this evening - thanks again to everyone who donated to our cause, came out to support us, and made our night so much fun!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 53 - July 26, 2013 - Pueblo Rest Day

Miles - 0

We needed a rest day to heal Erica's knee pain, and Mel's shoulder pain, and various other typical cycling pains (mostly in the ass, hah!)

We slept in a bit, grabbed hotel breakfast, moved to another hotel across the street, then decided we were ready for lunch and to try and find some sweats to wear since we knew we were going to get cold in the upcoming mountains!

We hopped on the city bus, tried Kmart unsuccessfully for sweats (turns out that no one gets cold in the desert in the middle of July - go figure!).  We grabbed Chipotle for lunch, and headed back to the hotel.  

We were lazy for a good long while, then decided to check out Pueblo's river walk, which was only a few blocks from our hotel.

Pueblo's riverwalk reminded us a lot of the canal in Indianapolis.  It isn't on the actual river, they created this water feature I think, but it's a nice park to walk through on a summer evening.  We found a pizza place and ate overlooking the riverwalk, sat for a bit and enjoyed the fountain, then went back to crash.

Day 52 - July 25, 2013 - Ordway, CO to Pueblo, CO

Mileage - 52
Total mileage - 1,533

We headed to the grocery store to pick up some water before we headed out, and noticed that the "Bits and Spurs" cafe was open for breakfast, so we sauntered over to have a quick bite before getting on the road.  This place was definitely a small place for locals - we stood out like a sore thumb!  There were mostly older cowboys/farmers in this place, the decor was wooden planks with all of the local cattle brands burned into them, the floor hasn't been vacuumed in weeks, and there was a communal fly swatter to kill those pesky biting annoyances right on your table.  

Since absolutely nothing in these small towns is done quickly, it took over an hour for our small breakfast to be cooked, eaten, and paid for.  We knew we had a fairly flat ride into Pueblo today, but wanted to make sure we arrived before the weird afternoon thunderstorms could possibly arrive.

The terrain really changed dramatically today.  There was actual topography to look at!  And we finally got our glimpse of the Rockies (can you see their blue outline in the photo above?)!  We love these mountains, so it was a big morale boost to finally spot them...even though we were going to have to tackle them by bike in the coming days!

We stopped for "lunch" in Boone at one of those small town grocery stores where someone shops at Walmart in the big city, doubles the prices, and resells it all to the locals.  We ate a bunch of junk food since the selection was pretty sparce.  

We keep seeing these weird cactus-like plants that appear to be growing watermelons.  I'm sure they are not watermelons in the desert, but the look pretty similar!

We got rained on a bit as we got onto highway 50 to head into Pueblo, but nothing major.  It was a total shock to us to be back on a major highway with traffic flying by after being in such isolated places for over a week. 

After a quick drink stop, we finished the last 5 or 6 miles to our hotel in downtown Pueblo.  We experienced our first hills in over a week riding through Pueblo too...just a glimpse of what is to come!  It seems like we are always riding towards storm clouds!!

We had been communicating with a supporter who wanted to put us up in a hotel in Pueblo and meet us for dinner when we arrived - thanks Sue!  We checked in and showered up, then Sue picked us up for dinner.  We had a great time chatting and chowed down on some Olive Garden.  The big rain waited until we were driving to dinner, thank goodness!  We certainly appreciate Sue's kindness!! 

Pueblo marks the halfway point (in miles) for our trip.  Obviously, we are way behind in terms of time!  We will make it up somehow though.  Probably some more "cheating" somewhere...

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 51 - July 24, 2013 - Eads, CO to Ordway, CO

Miles - 61
Total mileage - 

It was a cool start to our day today, and we were thrilled to check the weather and find that today's high was under 90 degrees!  It was overcast as we hit the pavement, and  stayed that was almost all the way to a small town called Haswell, which we were hoping had a convenience store that we could grab some lunch at, since it was really our only option for the first 56 miles of our ride!  And we thought the wind would be blowing in our favor today, but it was just our luck that it turned into a headwind or crosswind for the entire day - lucky us!!!

We lucked out in one way, and the propane store/gas station/antique store also sold pre-packaged sandwiches, other snacks, and cold drinks.  They also had a sweet Pomeranian to love on, and the most adorable 6 week old Border Collie pup!  Getting to hang out with animals always brightens our day.

The terrain is definitely different here than it was in Kansas - fewer farms, more cacti and scrub brush, more dust, and probably even fewer trees dotting the landscape.  We arrived at the one-house town of Arlington, and they thoughtfully put a pit toilet and picnic table in a little rest area for cyclists.  Some people even camp here, but without water or anything else around, it's a bit too primitive for us!

Sugar City was the next dot on the map - it was only 5 miles from our goal for the day, Ordway, but had a cafe so we stopped in for a quick sandwich and cold drink, and I may have had pie and ice cream too...

The stretch of road between Sugar City and Ordway might be the winner for the smelliest stretch of road on the trip.  Big feed lot full of cows that stretched nearly the entire 5 miles...and we were downwind.  Yuck.

We grabbed snacks at a truck stop in Ordway, and headed toward the hotel since storms were forecast for this evening.  We got settled, and not long after that heard thunder...full on storm rolled into Ordway.  These things follow us...they have been in a drought, and we arrive and bring the downpour!  The gutters were overflowing by the time it stopped raining.  We went out to try and hit up the grocery store (more food, seriously, some days we could eat everything in sight!), but they closed at 7:30.  The restaurant was closed too...I wouldn't survive in a small town!  Someone told us the VFW was having Mexican night, but we decided to pass.  We are some granola bars in our room, and are getting ready to pass out now.  50 miles to Pueblo tomorrow, with the possibility of thunderstorms, lets hope they hold off!!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 50 - July 23, 2013 - Sheridan Lake, CO to Eads, Co

Miles - 28
Total Mileage - 1386.3

So, it took forever to fall asleep last night, but the sunlight pouring in the curtainless windows in the church nursery that we slept in didn't let us sleep past 6:30 this morning.  The group of 3 guys who just graduated high school and had ridden 166 miles to get to Sheridan Lake awoke at 4am to make the 135 miles to Pueblo today.  Crazy kids...  Of course another group of four guys who stayed at the church had ridden 200 miles in one day to get to Sheridan Lake.  Also crazy!  There was a group of 3 girls with the 200 mile guys, and they got up really early to ride out into the sunrise.  We hung around for a bit with the 200 mile guys enjoying some coffee and getting a later start to our day!

After a quick breakfast at the gas station, we took off.  We weren't in a hurry, because we planned a short 28 miles today.  We got a little off on our city timing, and our options were:
1.  A 79 mile day to Ordway, CO, in temps in the high 90's.
2.  A 50 mile day to Haswell, CO - a town where you can camp in the park with no real services.
3.  A 28 mile day to Eads, CO, with all services.

We knew we weren't going to survive 79 miles in that heat, and a town without services or an appropriate toilet in the park didn't sound appealing either, so short day it was.  The ride wasnt difficult, and we pulled into Eads before noon.  After a lunch at the local diner, we grabbed a room at the one motel in town to catch up on the sleep we missed the night before.  Dinner was some sort of camp food and a can of green beans...delish!  Hah...

Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 49 - July 22, 2013 - Leoti, KS to Sheridan Lake, CO

Miles - 53
Total mileage - 1383

We got up on time and early today, and headed to breakfast at the Hi-Plains Motel. The motel used to have a restaurant, and the owner now offers a small menu of cooked to order items for breakfast. We ate a ton of food and left to go pick up the packages waiting for us at the post office. Erica picked up her shipment of Sheps, and my amazing mom sent us a package with camping food, GU packets, and the camera that we forgot back in Virginia. Thanks, Mom! 

We headed on down the road, hoping to make it out of Kansas before the end of the day. The weather was awesome early in the morning, with temperatures in the high 60's and only a small wind. It didn't take us very long to get to Tribune, KS, where we stopped for lunch at Burger Bar. The folks there were really nice and let us fill our water bottles with ice and water before we left. 
There wasn't much else to see for the rest of the day until we came to the Colorado state line, which we were thrilled to see.
The tiny town of Towner welcomed us into Colorado, but sadly had no services or anything to stop and look at. We had just 11 miles to our stop, Sheridan Lake, but of course, the winds picked up and blew right at us,and the temperatures were rising, as well. We took the opportunity to stop at an elementary school that had sprinklers on their lawn, and enjoyed just standing in the mist. Four miles later, we made it to Sheridan Lake, where the population is arguably 88 people, the lake has dried up, and the only place to eat is the gas station. We are staying tonight at Sheridan Lake Bible Church, with quite a few other cyclists on the same route.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 48 - July 21, 2013 - Scott City, KS to Leoti, KS

Miles - 25
Total mileage - 1330

Another short day, so we took the opportunity to sleep in a bit.  Turns out it was a good thing we did - there was a dense fog advisory and it was pretty chilly out this morning.

It was overcast as we left Scott City, and stayed that way all morning.  The wind was light, and almost a tailwind, so this made for some really nice riding conditions!  We even got misted on at one point.  

More of the same scenery today, but more of it for some reason - feed yards and oil derricks.  Traffic was light since it is Sunday, but we did get passed by a couple of oversize loads.  The drivers in Kansas have been the most considerate of all - almost all of them cross completely into the oncoming lane to go around us.  And almost all of the oncoming drivers wave at us.  Nicest people we've come across yet!

We got to Leoti around noon, and ate lunch with the after-church crowd at the one diner in town, The Route 96 Diner, and checked-in to the one motel in town, the Hi-Plains Motel.  Dinner came from a convenience store.  Leoti actually has a golf course, which we briefly entertained the idea of attending, but dropped that once the clouds burned off and the afternoon heat set in!

Tomorrow we will take advantage of our complimentary cooked-to-order breakfast at the hotel, pick up our mail, and get on the road early to beat the heat.  Temps are projected to be over 100 degrees tomorrow afternoon, and we would like to go about 60 miles or so to Sheridan Lake, CO.  New state, new time zone, woohoo!